Passé Récipiendaires Andres Ramos Mattei—Neville Hall Prix Meilleur Article

Le prix Andrés Ramos-Mattei Neville Hall c’est un prix biennal qui récompense le meilleur article paru dans le domaine de l’histoire des Caraïbes.

Les suivants ont reçu cette distinction:

Anne Eller, “Rumors of Slavery: Defending Emancipation in a Hostile Caribbean,”American Historical Review 3, no. 1 (2017): 653–679.

Pablo F. Gómez, “The Circulation of Bodily Knowledge in the Seventeenth-century Black Spanish Caribbean,” Social History of Medicine, 26:3 (2013).

Marisa J. Fuentes, « Power and Historical Figuring: Rachael Pringle’s Troubled Archive, » Gender and History, 22:3 (November 2010).

Matthew R. Casey, for « Haitians’ Labor and Lesiure on Cuban Sugar Plantations: The Limits of Company Control, » New West Indian Guide, 82:1 and 2 (2011).

Bertie Mandelblatt, “A Transatlantic Commodity: Irish Salt Beef in the French Atlantic World,” History Workshop Journal, 63 (2007).

Francisco Scarano, “The Jíbaro Masquerade and the Subaltern Politics of Creole Identity Formation in Puerto Rico, 1745-1823,” American Historical Review
101:5 (December 1996).

Philip Morgan, “Slaves and Livestock in Eighteenth-Century Jamaica: Vineyard Pen, 1750-1751, » William and Mary Quarterly, LII (1995).