Call For Papers

56th Annual ACH Conference
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, June 1-5, 2025

“Multilingual connections and under-represented geographies”

The ACH Executive Committee is pleased to announce that its 56th Annual Conference will be held at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, from June 1 to June 5, 2025.

For the 56th Annual Conference, the overall theme will be “Multilingual connections and under-represented geographies.” We invite paper, poster, and panel proposals on any aspects of the above theme as well as on other topics in Caribbean history.

For those proposing panels, please note that we seek linguistic and geographic diversity and representation. Applicants may also wish to consider that the ACH promotes diversity among panelists regarding institutional affiliation and academic experience.

Preference is given to applicants who did not present at the previous conference (2024).

Proposals must include:

  1. The appropriate form for either a paper/poster or panel proposal;
  2. A 250-word abstract for each proposed presenter (abstracts must indicate what new information or approach the work provides as well as the archival or oral sources consulted. Abstracts must be submitted in 3 languages: English, French and Spanish. Proposals submitted in fewer than 3 languages will not be considered for the conference.
  3. A brief CV (no more than 3 pages)
  4. A brief Bio (no more than 300 words)

Graduate students in advance stages of their studies are welcomed to submit papers based on extensive dissertation research.

Please see Application Instructions here:

All documents should be combined into ONE (1) Microsoft Word document (please do not submit a PDF). The deadline for proposal submission is October 14, 2024 using the appropriate online form. Any questions can be communicated to Claire Palmiste, Conference Coordinator at

Application Instructions

There are THREE WAYS to participate in the 2025 ACH Conference: 

A) PAPER: You can apply to present an individual paper. These applications are reviewed by the Executive Committee by theme and composed into panels. This requires:

    1. The appropriate form for either a paper/ poster proposal
    2. A 250-word abstract (abstracts must indicate what new information or approach the work provides as well as the archival or oral sources consulted. Abstracts must be submitted in the 3 languages: English, French and Spanish. Proposals that are submitted in less than 3 languages will not be considered for the conference)
    3. A brief CV (no more than 3 pages)
    4. A brief bio (no more than 300 words)

B) PANEL: You can also apply as part of a panel of 3 or 4 papers. This requires: 

  1. A panel proposal form;
  2. A 250-word abstract for each proposed presenter (abstracts must indicate what new information or approach the work provides as well as the archival or oral sources consulted. Abstracts must be submitted in the 3 languages: English, French and Spanish. Proposals that are submitted in less than 3 languages will not be considered for the conference)
  3. A brief CV (no more than 3 pages)
  4. A brief bio (no more than 300 words)

Please note that while panel organizers may propose a chair, final assignment of chairs is the prerogative of the Executive Committee. Proposed chairs should be experts in the panel field.

C) POSTER: You can also apply to participate in our poster session. This is intended as a fast-paced, fun session for newer scholars or for those embarking on a new project. This requires: 

  1. A poster proposal form; this is the same as the paper proposal form—just check that you are applying to offer a poster.
  2. An abstract of no more than 250 words (abstracts must be submitted in the 3 languages: English, French and Spanish. Proposals that are submitted in less than 3 languages will not be considered for the conference.)
  3. A brief CV (no more than 3 pages)
  4. A brief Bio (no more than 300 words)

All documents should be combined into ONE (1) Microsoft Word document (please do not submit as a PDF).

The deadline for proposal submission is October 14, 2024 using the appropriate online form. Any questions can be communicated to Claire Palmiste, Conference Coordinator at

A few more important notes:

  • Graduate students in advance stages of their studies are welcomed to submit papers based on extensive dissertation research.
  • All participants must be current members of the ACH by the time they present.
  • ACH presentations include (1) a pre-circulated paper written in English, French, or Spanish, which must be no longer than 25 typed, double-spaced pages using 12-point font, including notes and references and (2) a brief presentation of no longer than 4 pages.
  • Presentations are intended to introduce the highlights of this written work, and so are strictly limited to 10 minutes.
  • Poster presentations include both a shorter pre-circulated paper summarizing research to date (no more than 10 typed, doubled-spaced pages using 12-point font, including notes and references). Presentations at the conference will be limited to no more than 5 minutes and 10 PowerPoint slides.
  • Papers for both panels and for poster presentations will be made available online at the ACH website in advance of the conference and can be accessed only by those who pay their registration fees.
  • To allow time to format and post material, presenters should email papers (as a Microsoft Word file) NO LATER THAN March 24, 2025 to: Claire Palmiste, ACH Conference Coordinator, at

If, after your proposal has been accepted, you find you are unable to attend, please inform the ACH Conference Coordinator as soon as possible in order to allow us to adjust the program.

The deadline for proposals is October 14, 2024. We look forward to your submissions.