Give a Gift

The ACH welcomes the additional contributions of our valued members to support our activities, including the development of graduate students and junior faculty.

There are two (2) ways that you can support the Association of Caribbean Historians (ACH):

Benefactor ($120 a year): a higher category of giving to support the organization’s activities. As an ACH Benefactor you will be helping to support the ongoing activities and operations of the organization, including outreach and the provision of multilingual services.

Support the Gould-Saunders Travel Award. Through the generosity of two long-standing members, Virginia Gould and Gail Saunders, the ACH established the Gould-Saunders Travel Award in 2008. The Award helps to support Caribbean-based graduate students and junior scholars to attend the conference. The travel stipend is awarded annually. The number of awards is limited determined by the size of the fund. Your generosity will directly support the ability of new scholars from less represented territories to contribute to the ACH’s mission.

Please consider making a gift today! Cheques and instructions for giving can be sent to the ACH Secretary-Treasurer.

We thank you in advance for your generous support and look forward to recognizing your contribution in our semi-annual Bulletin.

Randy Browne, Secretary-Treasurer, Association of Caribbean Historians:
Mailing Address
℅ Department of History, Xavier University
3800 Victory Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45207